Monday, 24 October 2022

Sinterklaas 2022

We are very happy to let you know that De Esdoorn, Dutch Language and Culture School, and the Dutch Network have taken over the organization of the Sinterklaas event for 2022.

This post will be the last message on this website. You can find all the information on Eventbrite.

As this is the first time that the two organizations organize this event together, we would like to let you know that the event will be a different than the in-person events in the past. As the location in Cloverdale was not available, the event is scaled down to a maximum capacity of 130 people for the first year (compared to the 400 people capacity). The event will focus more on the children and families. 

But what remains the same is het "gezellige" Sinterklaas feest.

(Click on the poster and it will take you to the Eventbrite-page).